fases simple core utilities for a fully functional UNIX-like system.

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The programming language used is POSIX C99 and all code must be written in POSIX C99, no extensions are used.

The coding style is as follows:


The code shall be as simple to understand as possible, add comments if necessary

For indentation, the code shall use tab characters

The code shall avoid using GNU-specific functions (as that would make the program less portable)

Each line shall not exceed 79 characters

Utilities shall only implement POSIX-compliant options, if the utility supports options, and the specified option is invalid, the utility shall print a help text (this applies only to coreutils)

Utilities shall only use the *standard C library and POSIX libraries*

For comments, instead of using // (as in // Comment), the code shall use /* and */ (as in /* Comment */)

For commenting code, use // (as in // printf("broken code"))

Variable names shall describe the variable's purpose

The main() function shall be placed at the top, after function prototypes, to increase code readability


In a block, do not use { and } if there's only one instruction inside

for (int i; i != 3; i++)
    printf("%d\n", i);

When using { and }, { shall not be on it's own line

if (i) {
    printf("%d", i);
    i = 3;

The block shall only use 1 line if there's only one instruction ran and that shall not exceed 79 characters

if (foo[1] == 'a') foo[1] = 'b';


The function type shall be on the same line as the function name and {

int main() {
    printf("Hello World.\n");

Function names shall describe the function's intended purpose

When exiting, the function shall use return instead of exit()

int calculate(int i) {
    int result;
    if (i != 0)
        result = 30 / 1;
        return 0;
        return 1;

Variable declarations shall be at the top of the function

int main() {
    int i, result;
    char foo;
    bool bar;

for (int i; i != 3; i++) printf(“%d\n”, i);


In switch (foo), case shall be indented

switch (foo) {
    case 'b':
    case 'a':
        return 0;

Preprocessor statements

The #define preprocessor statement shall only be used for setting constant values

#define FOO 80

Preprocessor statements shall not be indented